Becoming a Northern Bear Disc Golf Bag Tag Owner!!

Northern Bear Bag Tags!

This 2023 season NBDG has decided to create these awesome looking bag tags for all of you to compete for #1!! 

Profit gained from all bag tags will go to course maintenance, course clean up, & course upgrades "possibly new teepads & baskets" for courses around the Iron Range, Buhl, Chisholm, & Hibbing Areas.

Bag tags are pre-ordered and will only be available up until the end of March. You can pick them up at our local league or pay an extra $1 to have yours shipped directly to you once they have been ordered!

Benefits of owning a bag tag is pretty simple: Bag tag owners will get 10% or $2 off “whichever benefits the buyer more” all purchases on anything sold by Northern Bear. This can only be redeemed once per day, once per event, and for only one player per tag “aka the current bag tag owner”. This will also work with "Bear Bucks" won at Northern Bear events. If you're overall purchase is less than $10 you will be given a discount of $1 off ONLY since $2 off anything below that price is just simply not profitable.

Bag Tag Honor Rules!

#1 -Bag tag owners must try to attend the local league as much as possible, especially bag tag owners 1-15.

#2 -Bag tags are to be collected and handed back out during all Northern Bear events. Your total event score will conclude wether you go up or down in number via bag tag within the division you're playing in. This will not be optional.

#3 -During casual rounds, a group with 2 or more players that own a bag tag can be challenged by the person  on the card with the highest bag tag number “#1 being the lowest”. The person with the lowest bag tag number will then list a set of rules “such as any OB, mandatory, hazard, or relief areas”. If the challenger wins they switch bag tags. If there are multiple players playing in the challenge, the overall scores of all players will conclude who gets what bag tag. Meaning the lowest-highest scores will get the lowest-highest number. The rules must be reasonable and correspond with PDGA rulings as much as possible “meaning you cannot make rules such as ‘forehands only’ or ‘drivers only’ UNLESS everyone involved in the challenge all agree on any/all ‘normally regulated’ rulings”

All bag tag owners with a lower number than the challenger cannot decline the challenge.

Bag Tag Honor Rule Clarifications.

Regarding Rule #1 -We understand you can't make it to league all the time, Just make sure your playing casual rounds with other bag tag owners & showing up to league as much as possible to insure tag number rotation continues.

Regarding Rule #2 - During NBDG events, when bag tags are turned in, overall score is for only ALL players participating in the event within your division. Meaning if you have tag #1 and you're playing MA2, someone playing in any other division cannot take your tag!!

Regarding Rule #3 - Honor rule #3 can get confusing so below is a hypothetical scenario regarding a casual round with you and 3 other bag tag owners where you've challenged by Player "C" for your bag tag. 

-Player "A" has tag #3

-You have tag #5

-Player "C" has tag #12

-Player "D" has tag #20

Player "C" challenges you but Player "A" has to accept the challenge since their tag number is lower which means Player "A" gets to list a set of rules since they have the lowest tag number., Player "D" can choose to decline or accept the challenge since their tag number is higher than Player "C". If Player "D" chooses to accept the challenge, everyone is then at risk of losing their tag number. After the list of rules have been set, mutually understood, & agreed on the players will then get the lowest-highest tag number based on who shot the shot the lowest-highest round. Ties can be decided by the players. 

-All players must treat challenged rounds just like a PDGA sanctioned tournament. Mark you lie, finish each hole, & always benefit the player.

-If it wasn't directly specified in the list of rules, treat all massive bodies of water as OB and play from where you were last in bounds. Always benefit the player!!

Regarding Rule #3 - When challenging a player or being challenged, the list of rules must correspond with rules that can be associated during a PDGA sanctioned event. This means you cannot make rules such as "Forehands only" or "One Disc only" UNLESS everyone involved in the challenge accepts and agrees to them. If Player "A" made a forehand only challenge and everyone but Player "C" has agreed to the challenge, it cannot be used during the round. 

If There Is Any Questions, Benefit The Player & Contact Us. Any Questions Will Be Posted & Answered Below!